The Pod Forward
While consumers had a wide variety of options spanning from indulging scents to multi-action laundry detergents, OMO required a comprehensive data-driven approach to navigate through a continuously adaptive environment.
The overall market trends were showcasing a definite shift towards laundry pods, and the client was considering releasing their detergent in a pod format to engage their consumers.
However, before altering the existing product offering, it was crucial to determine the suitability and feasibility of such enhancement by utilizing insights.
With an existing indicative direction towards a more intricate laundry pod solution, we delved into big data analytics to solidify the next generation of the product and to equip the client with the necessary tools to move forward with their intended plan.
Our findings, nevertheless, showcased a keen interest for a 3-in-1 laundry pod across the desired target audience for this product category. It was then evident that the trend had shifted away from single and dual liquid laundry pods.
As a result, OMO necessitated to change course and evolve its product to ensure continued market growth and maintain a competitive market share.
We were thoroughly involved throughout the entire production process to ensure the product design, pricing mix, and packaging would attract the consumer.
We consulted the client to launch an exclusive mini-trial packaging containing four 3-in-1 pods on TMall, which made the product more appealing for consumers to try due to the non-bindingly small quantity as well as the attractive price point. Due to the accurate identification of the target consumers, the feedback and response to the launch were favorable.
As a result, upon its full release of the product series, OMO occupied three spots within the Top 10 designated TMall category and successfully doubled its market share.